Seven Sisters Apostolate

Who We Are

The Seven Sisters Apostolate began in the Twin Cities in 2011 with seven groups of women praying for their pastors weekly (with each woman committing to a separate day of the week), and has since spread widely.  Since Fr. Jake was assigned here in 2019, we've been praying for him every day.

  • Each woman prays for an hour in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament (either at adoration, or in a church with a tabernacle) on a specific day of the week.

    The structure and place for the prayer is pretty individual - you do not need to pray at the same place or time of day, and the Apostolate provides some suggestions for praying for your pastor, but no set prayers.

    If you are unable to pray your Holy Hour, ideally you would find a sub (can be a woman or man) to take your place. If you are unable to find a sub, contact Margie Zenk.

  • Currently, each day of the week is filled to pray for Fr. Jake. Women who desire to offer additional holy hours for Fr. Jake or be available as substitutes are encouraged to contact Margie Zenk.

  • If you feel called to participate in this ministry, please email the Seven Sister Apostolate Coordinator for St. Lawrence Newman Center, Margie Zenk.

    In addition, feel free to forward this invitation to any woman you feel might be interested.


Music Ministry

